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浏览数量: 55     作者: EASE     发布时间: 2021-03-10      来源: TST



Tapper Sealing Technology is a Swedish developer and manufacturer of cable and pipe entry systems.  We established ourselves as a market leader of flexible and innovative sealing products.  

Our focus is making our products user friendly using innovative production technology.  In spite of having our manufacturing facilities in, a relatively high cost country, we are able to offer high quality, technically advanced products yet economical solutions.

Our rubber grommets are wide used in many kinds of fields, for example,


A Scandinavian manufacturer of very high definition loudspeakers chose our TSS to seal the loudspeaker cable on the inside of the speakers.  TSS was chosen partially because the cable needs to pass through a curved surface and the TSS follows the curve while providing a IP67 seal, it was also found to be, by far the most competitive product on the market when comparing price and performance.

In-ground Lights

A European lighting manufacturer has In-Ground lights in their portfolio.  These Lights are installed into the ground across the pedestrian crossings and will start flashing when it is OK to cross the street in order to alert the drivers of the crossing pedestrians and reduce the risk of accidents.  The manufacturer has chosen our Rutaseal as the sealing product since it was easy to install, offers the right IP-classification and was possible to install it from either side of the casing as space inside the light was limited

Electrical Skateboards

One of our customers, a north American manufacturer of electric skateboards uses our Rutaseal grommets to seal the power cable going into the battery compartment of the skateboard, to guarantee that no water, dust or moisture enters this compartment.  This together with the ease of installation were the reasons for choosing our product.

Heat Pumps

In Sweden it is very common for houses to be heated by some form of heat pump system (geothermal, air and water). The technology uses renewable or recycled heat. Majority of heat pump manufacturers in Sweden are using TST’s sealing grommets for the numerous cable installations needed for their systems. We are proud to be a part of the global effort to reduce our carbon footprint for a more sustainable future.



联系我们 (中国)

地址:上海市陆家嘴金融中心           浦东南路855号世界广场29F
电话 : +86-21-5108 8188 
传真:  +86-21-5108 8288 

联系我们 (英国)

地址:Unit5 Staples Business Park
London, United Kingdom
邮编:NW2 7JP
电话: +44-20-8452 1203
传真: +44-20-8452 7819 




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